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WFU Salamanca history


Emeritus Prof. Gregorio C. Martín starts the first WFU Spanish immersion program in Madrid (Spain).

Madrid to Salamanca

Prof. Gregorio C. Martín relocates the program to Salamanca, a smaller and more pedestrian-friendly city. Wake Forest starts to collaborate with the University of Salamanca, which is the oldest university in Spain, established back in 1218.

Candelas Gala

Dr. Candelas Gala takes the lead of the program.

Emeritus WFU professor of Romance Languages Dr. Candelas Gala.


Spring 1992

Prof. Rebekah Morris joins the Spring 1992 as a student.

Spring 2001

Prof. Jane Albrecht rents the first apartment for WFU professors in Salamanca

Spring 2002

Prof. Leticia Romo leads the Spring 2002 group to Salamanca.

Fall 2002

Prof. Justin Peterson

First Professor in a Fall semester with students in Salamanca.

Spring 2004

Prof. Tanya Davis stays for one more semester in Salamanca leading the Spring 2004 group.

Fall 2004 – Spring 2005

Prof. Manuel González de la Aleja from the University of Salamanca oversees the program for two semesters.

Prof. Javier Gª. Garrido joins WFU Salamanca

After spending 7 years working for International Studies Abroad (ISA) and 5 years as Spanish professor at Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca, Javier jumps in to help WFU Salamanca as the first On-Site administrator, while the WFU professor needs to leave the country because of an emergency.

Kate Hitzhusen

Former Salamanca student, Kate Hitzhusen, serves also as liason with Wake Forest and Javier during Fall 2005 and Spring 2006.

Fall 2025

Fall 2005 was the biggest group so far with 44 students.

1st WFU Center in Salamanca

WFU rents for the first time a space in Salamanca, providing students with a place to study, have a coffee, access the internet, and communicate with On-site directors. The Salamanca WFU Center is located in Calle Dr. Piñuela, right around the corner of the Plaza Mayor.

Fall 2006

Prof. Jane Albrecht returns to Salamanca with Fall 2006. With Javier, this is the first semester in which the program has two Professors on-site with the students.

Spring 2007

This picture was taken Valencia during the “Fallas” with Prof. Encarna Turner as Resident Professor.

Summer 2007

WFU Salamanca starts the first summer internship program with 3 students.

Fall 2007

Prof. Theresa Sanhueza comes to Salamanca with Fall 2007 students.

New WFU Center in Salamanca

During Fall 2007 WFU Salamanca moves to a new and much bigger space located in Calle Toro, very conveniently located halfway from host families and classes. The space needs a lot of renovation, but the result is great. Now the Center has two classrooms, one kitchen, several study spaces, one library, 3 bathrooms and a spectacular terrace in quiet area.

First “Victor”

The first victor painted by Javier on the walls of the new WFU center is devoted to all the previous groups that couldn’t take advantage of Wake Forest space in Salamanca. From now on, all semesters receive their own and unique “Victor” to remember and recognize their study abroad in Salamanca.

Spring 2008

Prof. Celia Garzón Prof. comes to Salamanca with Spring 2008 students.

Fall 2008

Second biggest group of students in Salamanca during Fall 2008 with Prof. Anne Hardcastle. By then she didn’t know that she would become Associate Provost for Academic Affairs of Wake Forest University.

Spring 2009

Prof. Brian Price and his family come to Salamanca with a group of students in Spring 2009.

Fall 2009

Prof. Jane Albrecht leads another group to Salamanca in Fall 2009.

Spring 2010

Prof. Rebakah Morris comes back to Salamanca, now as Resident Professor leading 16 students. During this semester WFU Salamanca offers the first science course to students; Biochemistry.

29 June 2010

WFU and USAL sign the first agreement for a mobility program for professors and researchers.

Fall 2010

Javier gest the first permission to visit the inside of the old library of the University of Salamanca with Fall 2010.

Spring 2011

Salamanca Ciudad del Español

Dr. Candelas Gala signs the first agreement with “Salamanca Ciudad del Español” promoted by the City Hall of Salamanca. The major of Salamanca welcomes the WFU group into its reception room. Wake Forest is finally recognized as an established study abroad program in the city.


Prof. Claudia Porcel joins the Salamanca team to serve as tour guide on all the group trips.


Prof. Marta Salvador Tato joins the Salamanca team as Cultural Instructor replacing Claudia.

Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Prof. Kathryn Mayers comes to Salamanca with her family as RP for a whole year and for the first time.

Fall 2012-Spring 2013

Dr. Irma Alarcón comes to Salamanca as RP for her first time and stays for two semesters.

Fall 2013

Prof. Margaret Ewalt enjoyed her return to Salamanca as RP with Fall 2013. She had been in the city as a student with Colby University.

Spring 2014

Prof. Vera Castro leads the Spring 2014 group.

Fall 2014

Fall is the last semester of Marta with the program and the first of Fernando, our new cultural Director.

Fall 2015

Fall 2015 marks the first-ever all-girls group. This semester is particularly noteworthy as one of our students, Meredith Cheatwood, creates a stunning mural on the terrace of the WFU Center that fuses elements of the WFU campus with Salamanca. It takes her four months to finish, and the outcome continues to be cherished by all the students who come to see it.

Spring 2016-Fall 2016-Spring 2017

Dr. Candelas Gala returns to Salamanca to direct the program for three semesters in a row.

Spring 2016

Fall 2016

Spring 2017

Fall 2017

Prof. Patricia Swier leads Fall 2017.

Spring 2018

The first promotional video of the program is recorded…

  1. Wake Forest University en Salamanca

A new logo

A fresh logo was designed for the program, merging the two shields of WFU and USAL, set upon a Victor symbolizing the triumph of numerous students who traveled to Salamanca to study the Spanish language and culture.

40th anniversary

The celebration of the 40th anniversary of our WF program in Salamanca has come to an end, but it is now that wonderful memories will keep alive the many good moments we have spent together here in Salamanca.

With this message I want to express my thanks to all of you, alumni and alumnae, for having come to celebrate with us from so many parts of the world. It has been great to see you again, hear about your lives and careers and, in many cases, meet your families. So much went on during these days that I did not have the chance to talk to each one of you personally. Be certain, though, that your presence is what made the whole celebration meaningful. After all, we have celebrated 40 years of a program that was created and has been evolving with you in mind. I am very happy that coming to Salamanca to study meant so much to you, as so many told me. Salamanca is my undergraduate alma mater; I love this city and this University. To have had the fortune to direct this program for so many years, serving so many students like you, has been the highlight of my career. I salute you, thank you, and send my warmest wishes to you and your families.
Muchos abrazos,
Dr. Candelas Gala