Salamanca WFU Academic Center
We encourage you NOT to spend most of your time at the Centro emailing or chatting with your friends in the States. Make the best possible effort to interact with Spanish people. Try from the very beginning to make Spanish friends.
Because this is an immersion program, Spanish is to be the means of communication between you and your group members while in group activities and at the Centro. Obviously, there will be moments of “¿Cómo se dice . . . [English]?”, but since the main objective of your semester study in Salamanca is to achieve greater fluency in the language, we will work towards this goal together by speaking Spanish AT ALL TIMES in the Centro, in classes, and on WF excursions. We remind you that this rule is for your own benefit.
The Centro will be open during the regular semester for “office hours” only on weekdays. On Spanish Holidays the Center will be closed.
All Centro doors, except for the silent study room, need to remain open at all times. The only exception is when a video is being screened in the living room. Watching videos is the primary purpose of this space, and that activity is on first place over any other use.
The Centro has wireless internet with the capability to allow all of us to be connected at the same time. However, we recommend that you don’t download big files while other students are using the internet. This could slow down the whole connection dramatically.
You can connect to Eduroam WIFI with your WFU credentials