As a student in Salamanca, you may choose to live with a host family or at one of the University of Salamanca student residence halls (“Colegios Mayores”).

For students in the semester and summer programs, the homestay is the generally recommended option. Daily life as part of a Spanish family allows for maximum immersion in the language and local culture. In a homestay, students are provided with a private room in a home, three meals a day, internet, and laundry once a week. Host families are carefully selected by the Housing Office of the University of Salamanca. Many students report that their host family was the best part of their experience.
If you choose not to live with a family, you may live in a student residence hall. All rooms are singles. Living in a residence hall costs an additional fee of about $2000 dollars per semester or $1000 per summer. This fee cannot be refunded if you should decide to move to a host family. The residence hall will provide sheets, blankets and pillows but you will need to provide your own towels. A meal plan is included which provides breakfast, lunch and dinner. At each meal there will be three options, but these choices are not guaranteed to meet all special dietary needs and preferences.

Regardless where you live, there are certain rules that must be followed.
If you live with a host family: visitors may not spend the night.
If you live in a residence hall: visitors may not spend the night, quiet hours are enforced starting at 12 midnight, and consumption of alcohol, tobacco or any other drugs is prohibited. Breaking the Residence Halls rules will result in disciplinary action by the University of Salamanca in which Wake Forest cannot intervene.

- Residence Halls will be about $1,000 more expensive than living with families and it must be paid in advance. There will be no reimbursement for this extra expense. The exact additional cost will vary from semester to semester. You may ask your program director for the exact amount.
- Laundry is included
- Students live in singles on halls where mostly Spanish students live. Wake Forest enforces the idea of immersion in Spanish language and won’t permit students to share rooms with other English speaking students.
- Residence Halls all have WIFI for free and a personal landline in each room for which they will be charged at the end of every month for the calls they make.
- The Residence Halls will provide sheets, blankets and pillows but students will need to provide their own towels.
- A meal plan will be included which provides breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each meal will consist of two courses, bread, dessert and water. For each course students will have three options. Students with special dietary preferences or needs are not recommended to choose residence halls.
- As with hotels in Spain strict quiet hours are enforced starting at 12 midnight so that other students can sleep.
- Consumption of alcohol, tobacco or any other drugs is prohibited.
- Students are not allowed to have your friends stay overnight
- Students are not allowed to invite anyone to any meal at your dorm
- Students are not allowed to share their meal plan ID card with anyone else
- Students are not allowed to put pushpins or nails in the walls, doors or furniture. Neither are they allowed to use glue or any other any other adhesive that may leave a spot after removing.
- Putting any objects outside of windows or doors is prohibited.
- Cooking is not allowed in the rooms, but students can use personal toaster, microwave or coffee maker
- Loud noise, loud music, singing aloud, slamming doors, shouting, or anything else that could disturb other students resting or studying should be avoided at all the times.
- Students are responsible for their belongings and therefore also for locking their room door every time they leave.
- The cleaning service will take place Monday through Friday at 9.00am. Students can refuse to have their rooms cleaned for a maximum of 3 days.
- To enter the room of another student while s/he is away, you must have written permission or be accompanied by a dorm authority.
- Students need to dress properly in the dorm. Pajamas are not permitted outside of the room.
- Pets are not allowed in the dorm
- Parties are not allowed in the rooms
- Pulling pranks on other students is a serious reason for being expelled from the Dorm
- Sudents breaking any of the Residence Halls rules will result in disciplinary action by the University of Salamanca in which Wake Forest cannot intervene. IT MAY HAVE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES (INCLUDING YOUR EXPULSION WITHOUT ANY REFUND)
Meal times at the Residence Halls:
- Breakfast:
Monday – Friday: 7:30h – 9:30h.
Saturdays: 8:30h – 11:00h.
Sundays and festivities: 9:00h -11:00h. - Lunch:
Monday – Friday: 1:30h a 3:30h PM.
Weekends: 2:00h – 3:30h. PM - Dinner:
9:00h – 10:30h. PM